WORDPRESS Website security

wordpress website security

When you first have a new WordPress website created by a web designer, it may look and function great at the time. You may not feel the need for further website technical considerations upon design completion. Quite often however the designer likely did not install and configure adequate WordPress website security. This security is necessary to assist in keeping your website protected from malware and site infections.

Failure to correctly protect your site with a quality anti-malware website security plugin may become detrimental to the integrity of your website. This neglect can easily lead to malicious attacks or hack attempts being made to your website. These repeated attacks can easily corrupt your website file structure or database. This can also often bring a website into quick disrepute, leaving your website open to vulnerability and subsequent security risks.

We offer an annual WordPress website security protection service which aims to prevent hackers and malware from ruining your websites functionality and online livelihood. We can install, configure and optimise a superior WordPress security plugin and perform regular scanning and monitoring of your site to keep it as secure as possible.

Wordpress Website Security
$49 setup then $24.99
Per / Month

WordPress Website
security plugin Installation
Website monitoring & security optimisation
Monthly scanning of theme and plugin files
Brute Force Attack Protection
Firewall Protection
Monthly Monitoring & Optimisation
IP Tracking / Blacklisting